Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Casting News!

Pat and I are delighted and thrilled to officially announce that John Amplas (Martin, Day of the Dead) has joined the cast of  "Meet Your Maker" and will play Dr. Malvoy, the scientist at the center of this strange tale. Starring opposite of John is the already-attached Jonathan Visser, who will lend his talents to the production as he brings Zumet, the leader of the microscopic extra-dimensional beings, to cinematic life.

Keep checking back for the latest exciting updates surrounding "Meet Your Maker!"


Thursday, March 14, 2013

Higgs Confirmed

Check out that link below for some cool news regarding the scientific experiments that inspired "Meet Your Maker!"

Physicists Say They Have Found a Higgs Boson

Monday, March 4, 2013


We reached our funding goal on Friday night at around 9pm. We are so grateful to all our backers and all those who helped us spread the word. "Meet Your Maker" is becoming a reality because of you.

We also want to thank Steel CinemaGeek Pittsburgh and especially Boring Pittsburgh for their help and support during our campaign.

 We've got a lot of work ahead, so check back here for updates. Next up is casting and set construction. Over and out.

Friday, March 1, 2013

For the price of a ticket

Ten hours to go. We put together a final promotional video. In it, Justin tabulates the cost of going to the movie theater, and the inherent risks involved. "Meet Your Maker" is 91% funded on Kickstarter. We want to thank everyone who has contributed. We're amazed by how much support we've gotten despite our unfamiliarity with the whole internet promotion thing. Help put us over the edge.

We have some cool news on the way actor-wise, but we can't say anything specific yet. Be patient. We'll tell  you eventually.