Sunday, December 22, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Hey, backers, we've got some DVDs and Blurays coming your way! Cover design by the awesome Beano Gee.

In other news, we've begun submitting to film festivals. Check out the "screenings" section of the official website to see when and where we're playing. 

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The final month of work on Meet Your Maker

Justin and I are tying up loose ends. We're putting together a press kit for festivals. I'm finishing up the very official website, which you should look at now. The DVDs are in production. You are excited.

To sate our ravenous backers... the DVD and Blu-ray special features are as follows:

- Kick ass cover art by Beano Gee (who also made our poster)
- Teaser trailer with Chilly Billy Cardille
- Full-length trailer
- Kickstarter Promotional Videos
- Full-length audio commentary by writer/director Justin Francart, cinematographer/editor Pat Francart and star John Amplas

We've also got another screening in Pittsburgh coming up very soon. January 14 at the Melwood Screening Room. "Meet Your Maker" will be shown as part of January's Film Kitchen, a monthly screening of regional, independently made short films and videos. More details very soon.